Classroom Training Catalog


When reviewing the Training calendar, please read the course descriptions carefully to determine which course you should attend AND the location of the specific class date -- in-person or virtual -- PRIOR to enrolling.
All students must be enrolled prior to the first day of class. On-site enrollments are not accepted. 

Examinations for virtual (remote) classes are available to be administered at:
-- the National Board Training Center in Columbus, Ohio
-- participating National Board Member Jurisdictions on the first Wednesday of every March, June, September, and December
-- Prometric, our partner for on-demand computer-based examinations (Visit the Exam Registration page for more information.)

IMPORTANT!  Please reference Training Policies and Notices for details on tuition payments via wire transfer or check, enrollment cancellation fees, and travel document information (passports and visas).

Review Frequently Asked Questions about Training and learn about our IACET Accreditation.  Need a place to stay while attending training? Check out these Columbus/Worthington area hotels.

Navigating the Classroom Training Catalog:

  1. For a quick view of a full course description click More Info.
  2. Agendas, Bodies of Knowledge, and Candidate Handbooks are on the full description pages.
  3. For Class dates, locations, tuition, and seats available click the > left of the course name.
  4. To enroll click the class date; then click Enroll Now at the bottom of the course description page.
  5. NOTE: You must be logged into your Business Center account in order to enroll.
Enrolling multiple students is only available to individuals assigned in the role as company administrator for their employer.
The National Board is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

Course Name 
Course Description 
ExpandAuthorized Inspector Commission Course (AI)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   AI Commission, PEI ASME Construction
Course Length:  10 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  7.2

In-Person Tuition:   $3,200 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$3,700 USD

Synopsis: This course introduces design, material quality control, and manufacturing process requirements as described in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Sections I and IV for boilers and ASME Section VIII, Division 1 for pressure vessels. This course exposes students to nondestructive examination, welding, and quality system requirements, and is essential for individuals seeking to perform inspections during construction of boilers and pressure vessels constructed to ASME Code.

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ExpandAuthorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector Course (I)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   I Endorsement
Course Length:  5 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  3.5

In-Person Tuition:   $1,600 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$1,850 USD

Synopsis: This course covers nuclear inservice inspection in addition to jurisdictional and Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements. Also addressing the National Board Inspection Code, this training  is essential for keeping an Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII) abreast of acceptance standards, nondestructive examination procedures, health physics, quality assurance, welding, and reporting requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Code Section IX.

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ExpandAuthorized Nuclear Inspector (Concrete) Course (C)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  20121
Related Credential:   C Endorsement
Course Length:  5 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  3

In-Person Tuition:   $1,600 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$1,850 USD

Synopsis:This course covers the fundamentals of concrete construction and inspection, as outlined in ASME QAI-1, Qualifications for Authorized Inspection, with an emphasis on the duties and responsibilities of the Inspector performing related inspections.

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ExpandAuthorized Nuclear Inspector Course (N)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   N Endorsement
Course Length:  5 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  2.8

In-Person Tuition:   $1,600 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$1,850 USD

Synopsis:This course covers ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, Div. 1, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components requirements for classification of components and design of nuclear power plant items as it relates to the Inspector's duties and responsibilities. This training also includes sessions on welding requirements, nondestructive examination, impact testing, material requirements, and design.

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ExpandAuthorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor Course (NS)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   NS Endorsement
Course Length:  5 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  2.7

In-Person Tuition:   $1,600 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$1,850 USD

Synopsis:  This course discusses the duties of a nuclear technical supervisor; the principles, techniques, and tools used in monitoring inspection activities; the requirements of auditing quality systems; and responsibilities for evaluating tests and examinations. Additionally, students are introduced to radiation health physics requirements.

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ExpandBoiler & Pressure Vessel Repair Seminar (RO)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Virtual Classroom / Remote Delivery
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   None
Seminar Length:  5 days, in 4-hour sessions (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  0

Remote Tuition:   $950 USD

Synopsis:  New Format! New Delivery! This seminar focuses on organizations preparing to perform repairs and/or alterations in accordance with Part 3 of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), and now includes extended sessions on ASME Code Calculations and Alteration Plans.

This training has been redesigned as a remote presentation delivered over five afternoons (12:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST) to allow students to continue to work and attend training for a week.

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ExpandBoiler and Pressure Vessel Fundamentals


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ExpandInservice Inspector Commission Course (IS)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   IS Commission; PEI Inservice
Course Length:  10 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  8

In-Person Tuition:   $3,200 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$3,700 USD

Synopsis: This course provides a detailed understanding of the duties and responsibilities of those performing inservice inspections. During this course students are introduced to pressure equipment terminology and systems; nondestructive examination fundamentals; controls and safety devices; acceptance requirements of pressure relief devices; installation and inspection plans; and stamping and data reports.

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ExpandInspector Supervisor Course (B)(O)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   B Endorsement; O Endorsement
Course Length:  5 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  2.7

In-Person Tuition:   $1,600 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$1,850 USD

Synopsis: This course is designed to qualify individuals to provide technical supervision of Authorized Inspectors and Owner/User Inservice Inspectors and includes topics common to all supervisors.

NOTE: The O Endorsement training will only be held during the June 6-10, 2022 class.

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ExpandPressure Relief Valve Repair Seminar (VR)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   None
Seminar Length:  5 days (M-F)
IACET CEUs Issued:  2.6

In-Person Tuition:   $1,600 USD
Off-Site Tuition:   $1,700 USD

Synopsis: This Seminar -- geared toward inspectors, quality control personnel, and supervisors -- covers the inspection, assembly, and repair of pressure relief valves. Also reviewed during this training is the National Board VR Accreditation Program as well as the T/O mark for the inservice testing of pressure relief valves.

This seminar is not offered as remote (virtual) delivery.

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ExpandRepair Inspector Course (R)

Delivery:  Instructor-Led Classroom
Code Version:  2021
Related Credential:   R Endorsement; PEI Repair Qualification
Course Length:  4 days (M-Th)
IACET CEUs Issued:  2.0

In-Person Tuition:   $1,300 USD
Remote Tuition:  
$1,550 USD

Synopsis: This course provides inspectors performing repair inspections with an understanding of the inspection requirements for repairs and alterations to boilers and pressure vessels.

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